Magic City Hippies at Big Night Live January 20th

Magic City Hippies' forthcoming LP Water Your Garden is due January 21, 2022, one day after they play at Boston’s Big Night Live this month.

Speaking on the record, Robby Hunter wrote:

"Does life write music? Or does music write life.

It's something we ask ourselves every time we finish an album. There is some type of serendipity in finishing music that somehow plays out in real life. Almost like predicting the future. The same thing happened with 'Modern Animal,' and it seems to be playing out again with this new piece of work. I think that means we’re doing something right, if our music somehow knows something more about us than we do.

Water Your Garden is the first album we created while all three of us were in separate places around the US. Completely remote and sending songs back and forth throughout quarantine- while everyone was locked down in their respective homes. Pat finally moved out to LA- locked down in his studio. Robby moved out into the mountains of Montana, and John held down the homebase in Miami. 

Since coming off our most successful tour to date, the 2020 Modern Animal tour, everyone was riding high. We had huge shows booked in our future and felt like our dreams were finally within reach- then covid hit. And everyone experienced their own version of some type of mental health issue (just like everyone else in the world). Whether it was a massive stress-test on relationships in lockdown, or family members passing away, or politics driving best friends away. Everyone seemed like they were going through something.

I think haphazardly we all realized how important self-care was, and how necessary it was to help us get through this thing. Without knowing, we began to write about our life experiences- and the songs started flowing. With the life transitions everyone in the band was going through, we were all starting to water our own gardens, and take care of ourselves, and our families for the first time. So the album just feels so fitting, even if we didn't know where we'd all be in our lives last summer when we named it.

I think that lended itself to a more introspective, emotionally mature collection of music. At least lyrically - musically it's classic MCH, all over the place sounds. From some heavy synth-based, Jai Paul inspired bops - to Drake inspired trap - to soft, vintage tinted instrumental tracks like 'Hangunder' and throwback 80's hits like 'High Above The Sun.' Even if the majority of the songs aren't classically 'happy' we are still urging the listener to dance to every track, and that is a must in magic city hippie music.

We were fortunate enough to get a bunch of our friends on tracks - from maye's perfect voice on 'Water Your Garden,' to Tim Atlas on 'Therapy,' and Nafets on 'High Beams' ... it all seemed to come together perfectly."

JAN 20, 2022 - Big Night Live in Boston, MA, w courtship.


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