7 Tips on how to maintain your New Year’s Resolutions!

New year new you…for a month? Well, here are some tips to help you maintain your goals and stick with this new you!

1)     Commit. Goals are your responsibility no one else’s. If you’re struggling to dedicate yourself to a specific goal, go back and start the process over. Remind yourself of why you want to achieve this goal and better identify the steps you need to take to keep on track.

2)      Track your progress. Check in on yourself and what you’ve achieved. This is a great way to keep up motivation as well as determination. Track this through a goal tracking worksheet, planner or even in your notes. It doesn’t matter which one you choose just physically being able to see your progress will make it a lot more attainable.

3)      Break it down. Big goals are great but can sometimes be overwhelming and most likely take achieving smaller goals along the way. To avoid stress and disappointment set yourself short term, medium term and long-term goals to make them more manageable and a lot less overwhelming, more attractive, therefore more achievable.

4)     Be consistent. Form habits through your goals. The more routine these habits become the easier it will be to keep going.

5)     Stay positive. There’s no rule book to life and everyone’s different. Comparison is the thief of joy! Focus on yourself and be kind to yourself.

6)     Celebrate every success. You earnt it!

7)     Let your goals grow with you. As you grow and evolve so will your goals. If your current goal is no longer suited to you and your lifestyle there is no shame in adjusting or change these.

If you are looking for even more support or want to discuss your goals with a professional ThriveWorks, Boston offers online counselling and advice! Just click the link below.


Happy new year from all us at Secret Boston!


Electric Feels – Indie Rock + Indie Dance Party


Kindred The Family Soul on Thursday, 12/30 at City Winery Boston