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Boston’s Bar Drugged Drinks Spike

With the start of the summer and the reduce COVID-19 related mandates, people have started going out more specially to bars. With this has come a wild increase in the number of drinks that get drugged.

Many stories of people suffering from drugged drinks have made the news in the past couple of months. Ashley Nichols, a 36 year old, was interviewed by The Boston Globe about her story. She went out on a Saturday night in April with a couple friends and after three drinks, all she could remember was waking up the next day covered in vomit and with a missing shoe.

“I’m in my 30s now, but in my 20s, I had my crazy nights. This was utterly different,“ Nichols mentioned when talking to The Boston Globe.

Despite not having proof, she is certain that her drinks were drugged. Her friends also got sick after that night out. And they are not the only ones. Social media is full of similar stories of women who have the suspicion that their drinks may have been spiked at many Greater Boston bars and nightclubs.

A Facebook group know as Booze in Boston has a list of over 70 bars, clubs, and restaurants in the area where client’s beverages have allegedly been “roofied.“ In response to this, the Boston police issued a community alert in May to urge victims to come forward and report any suspicions. Between April 10 and June 4, the department has received a dozen reports as seen on a Globe public records request.

Covered drink at a local bar

Women claim to not drink more than they usually do before suddenly loosing consciousness and waking up, panicked and disoriented, with no recollection of how they ended where they wake up at. Experts say drugs used to spike drinks are almost impossible to detect so it is hard to prove the drug incident. There are also many male victims.

Bard, restaurants, and clubs have been alerted of the issue and some of them have placed signals (as seen on the picture to the right of the text) around their establishments to alert clients and let them know that if they feel any symptom or suspect they have been drugged, to inform the staff immediately.

We recommend our readers to always be alert when they go out drinks, to never take drinks from anyone, always maintain them within your eyesight and covered, and in the case of an emergency, to contact law enforcement as soon as possible. You can read the Boston Globe article with more information about the cases here!